Below are APE’s guiding nutritional principles to help you optimise your health and performance. This isn’t an exhaustive list and each point is a rabbit hole you can go down to a much greater depth. However, just employing these at a high level as laid out here has the potential to drastically enhance your vitality.
1.) Eat real food.
If it wasn’t here 1,000 years ago don’t eat it... meat, eggs, vegetables, fruit, rice. Foods with one ingredient, the food itself. If you pick up packaged food and it reads like it’s been made in a laboratory, not a kitchen, it’s best to leave it on the shelf.
2.) When eating meat or fish, opt for grass-fed and wild caught.
When eating vegetables and clean carbs like rice, opt for organic. You don’t want pesticides and herbicides in your body; they destroy beneficial bacteria in your gut making you weaker and more susceptible to disease. They are micro poisons and your body will use energy to flush them out—energy that could be used elsewhere to enhance your health and performance. Eating organic meat can be misleading as the animals may just be fed on organic grain. You’re much better off finding a local farmer that farms properly, letting the animals graze naturally as much as possible on a farm with an array of plant and animal life to ensure healthy soil.
3.) Avoid
Processed sugar, white flour and hydrogenated vegetable and seed oils—they’re poison and there’s no place for them in the human body.
4.) Become Metabolically Flexible
Meaning that you're efficient at using fat and carbohydrate as fuel sources. To achieve this focus on implementing a higher fat / lower carbohydrate diet. A good indication of when this adaption has been achieved is when you’re able to fast.
5.) Earn your carbs
Generally people massively over consume carbs. We recommend eating 50g of carbs per day in the form of vegetables and low GI fruit like berries. If you train you can add another 50-100g of carbs in around your training to fuel it and help recovery. Otherwise stick to the 50g. Once you’re fat adapted (you can effectively use fat as a fuel source) this will be plenty to fuel you throughout the day. Brain fog will disappear, energy levels will be stable, cravings will stop, blood sugar will be controlled.
6.) Consume Organ Meats
Eat a small portion of organ meat two to three times per week. Aim for 200-250g total per week. Organ meat is nature’s multi-vitamin.
7.) Eat Fish
Aim to eat wild caught fatty fish two to three times per week. The DHA and EPA in Omega 3 is amazing for brain health.
8.) Bone Broth
Incorporate bone broth and collagen in the form of bone marrow as much as possible. These are healing to the gut and help with bone strength as well as hair, teeth and nails.
9.) Set protein intake
Aim for between 1.6g-2.2g per kg of bodyweight. Eat 50-150g of clean carbs per day depending on if you’re training /training intensity. What you’ll find is that you won’t need to monitor fat intake. Because your body won’t be polluted with fake Franken-foods it doesn’t understand, and you’re eating macronutrient ratios aligned with your ancestral lineage, you’ll intuitively feel when you’ve eaten enough to maintain your current weight. If you want to drop some weight or add muscle just consciously take away or add extra food. There’s no need to track calories if you don’t want to.
10.) Fasting
Work towards fasting for 16 hours per day and incorporate a 24-72 hour fast every few months. The former will become easy once you’re fat adapted and is a good sign that you can effectively use fat as a fuel source. This will encourage fat burning and autophagy.
11.) Water
Drink filtered water from glass. Tap water is full of toxins and plastic bottles often contain BPA, a toxin that leaches into the water and wreaks havoc on the human body.
12.) Don’t drink black coffee on an empty stomach.
Coffee stimulates hydrochloric acid production, which will break down your stomach lining and can lead to leaky gut. Add organic MCT Oil or grass-fed butter to your coffee to prevent this.
13.) Eat / drink fermented foods
Try foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha. They boost the immune system, protect against disease and aid digestion.
We hope you find this guide helpful for where you are at in your health journney. Remember to check out our blog for amaazing recipes and futher insights on health, nutrition and more.

Super Easy Bone Broth Recipe
-1KG of grass-fed beef bones
-1KG of grass-fed lamb bones
-2 rosemary stems
-Filtered water
-Celtic sea salt
-Roast the bones until light browned (optional step for extra flavour)
-Add bones to your pot, we used a pressurecooker but you can use a slow cooker or cook low & slow over a stove.
-Fill the pot up with water until the bones are just covered
-Add rosemary stems & saltLeave to cook (pressure cooker takes 4 hours but if your slow cooking you'll need more like 24)
-Once cooked, decant into jars and store in the fridge - it should become a wobbly jelly like consistency!

who we are
APE began 4 years ago in our small kitchen in London and since then it has evolved so much. Our mission has always been to bring the highest quality, natural supplements to our customers and as our range expands, this is something we continue to uphold.
We understand that there is a balance which allows humans and nature to thrive synergistically. When we eat, we bring the environment inside ourselves using it to create our cells and build our bodies. Our supplements aren't synthetic creations from a lab. Whether our products are organically grown or pasture reared, they are natures answer to boosting our health and vitality.
We are so grateful to have built an incredible community around the business and have the chance to connect with like minded people across the UK and further! Our newsletters are a space where we feel we can offer a more personal insight than we can on other platforms. We share nutrition tips, recipes and blogs deep diving into topics ranging from debunking nutrition myths to addressing the flaws in mainstream dietary information. We're glad to have you along for the journey.