Save Hook & Son's Farm // Raw Organic Milk Supplier

Posted by Josh Gape on

An amazing UK farm; Hook & Sons who produce raw organic milk is under threat as planning applications for housing developments are threatening 64 acres of their most valuable grassland, with no mitigation for the damage to their business. 


To help them keep their land you can send an objection via this link:




You'll need to site reasons for objecting and you can copy and paste Hook and Sons reasons below: 

  • The proposed site is immediately adjacent to the Pevensey Levels Flood Plain at its western edge. This puts at peril any development on this site due to the risk of flooding now, and increased risk in the future due to climate change. This application conflicts with the requirement for mitigating and adapting to climate change, and taking into account the long-term implications for flood risk.
  • The proximity of the proposed development is too close to the Southern Water Hailsham North Treatment works and will have poor air quality given the odours that are produced by the treatment works. As a result, these houses will not be fit to inhabit.
  • The sewage infrastructure is already overloaded at Hailsham North Treatment Works, even without these houses being built. This treatment works cannot be compromised as it discharges directly into the Pevensey Levels SSSI.
  • Farmland producing food for local people should not be fragmented and lost, but protected from development • How would the statutory biodiversity gain be achieved on existing organic farmland with the biodiversity that it already provides?
  • The loss of land will have a significant impact on the Hook & Son dairy farm which rents the land, which employs 20 full-time and 6 part-time people, with those jobs at stake. This conflicts with NPPF policy on supporting a prosperous rural economy by negatively impacting on the Hook & Son dairy farm business.
  • Guard against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities and services, particularly where this would reduce the community’s ability to meet its day-to-day needs; ensure that established shops, facilities and services are able to develop and modernise, and are retained for the benefit of the community, in this case the loss of the local doorstep delivery milk round currently provided by Hook & Son.

Let's protect UK farms!