Can you bench more than Grandad?

Posted by Josh Gape on

If you’re a guy, then this might be hard to hear… 


But your granddad was probably more alpha than you in his prime. 


Before you close this blog (hopefully) in a testosterone-fuelled rage, 






There’s a perfectly scientific (but alarming) explanation. 

Let us explain.


You see, men's testosterone levels have been nosediving over the past few decades! 😲


And recent studies show this isn't just an old man's problem…


Young guns are feeling it too with a whopping 25% drop in T-levels in recent years


Imagine that, your grandad might have been more "manly" than you at your age.


Maybe he still is!


We advise challenging him to an arm-wrestling match this Christmas if you can to find out... 


Because what these studies suggest is “old man strength” might be a real thing.


Jokes aside, testosterone is crucial for a ton of functions – mood, energy, sex drive, and even your mental health. 



So what’s killing test?


  • Stress: Our modern lifestyle is a stress buffet, and guess what? The more you pile on your plate, the more your testosterone takes a hit.

  • No Sleep: Pulling all-nighters? Your testosterone is snoozing while you're binge-watching Netflix. Men need solid Zzzs for optimal T.

  • Fear of Fats: News flash – cholesterol isn't your enemy. It's actually a building block for testosterone. So, maybe it's time to rethink that low-fat diet.

  • Plastic: BPA in plastics is like kryptonite for your hormones, messing with your natural balance.

  • Soy: High in phytoestrogens, soy might be doing more harm to your T-levels than good (Japanese researchers recently used soy to turn a male catfish female…look it up!)
  • Low Carb diets: Ultra low-carb diets could be sabotaging your T-levels. Balance is key!



What Can You Do?


  • Stress Less: Easier said than done, but vital. Meditation, nature walks, or even just unplugging can work wonders.

  • Sleep Like a Baby: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep. No screens before bedtime.

  • Eat Like Your Ancestors: More grass-fed meats, eggs, and yes, butter. Your great-grandpa was onto something. But don’t skip on organs like the ones we make at APE

  • Commit carbicide: We’re joking, but do find the right mix of carbs, fats, and proteins that works for you.

  • Go Natural: Swap out plastic for glass where you can and rethink your household supplies.


We also have a natural supplement Lance Armstrong probably wished he used instead…


So if you want to support your T-levels naturally and bench press more than Grandad did


Then check out Optimised Male for that extra T-boost here


The APE Team


P.S - We also have our Optimised Female for the ladies… 


This blend supports women’s natural hormones WITHOUT turning them into Arnie or growing beards – promise. Or your money back. 


>> Check it out right here



If you want to dive deeper into this testy topic, we wrote a more in depth article on it here